One of the lessons the COVID era has taught us is that people and businesses are adaptable. In the last few years, the preference for online shopping and digital retail has soared. Businesses who were successful during the height of the pandemic and who saw the most success were those who adapted to the ‘new normal.’ The move to online retail inspired a new feature and the topic of this blog – Automated Car Buying.
Shopping online has always been popular, but there has been a recent surge and multitudes of newer participants. One of the biggest changes has been in how automotive sales are handled. Though there have always been digital components involved in car sales, there is a new wave of thought on how sales should be conducted. Car buying is headed towards completely ‘touchless’ sales experiences.
Automated Car Buying is a solution cyclCRM provides for a totally digital car buying process. One of the most notable parts of this feature is a completely automated workflow! Using integrated features and tools, the human element is removed from the sales process.
Rating Models
With cyclCRM’s custom Rating Models, criteria such as Time in Area, Employment Length, Expenses and Disposable Income are evaluated against a scoring metric. Used to score applicant’s credit applications – this determines the next steps in the process.
Integrated Credit Application
cyclCRM’s customizable and fully integrated credit application allows effective evaluation of lead buying potential using the Rating Model. The application is rated and each lead assigned a score. This informs internal processes as well as moves the applicant to the next stages of their online buying experience.
Affordable Vehicles Webpage
With inventory updated real-time from Deal Pack, each prospect is matched with a uniquely curated webpage of potential vehicles. This is based on an affordability calculator custom to each dealership using values such as Term, Interest % and % of Disposable Income. From this custom webpage, the prospect selects the vehicle they want to purchase and triggers the next steps!
Work Plans and Campaign Rules
The automated piece of this feature includes Internal and customer facing workflows set up using Lead Ratings and Scores (among others):
- From sending the Affordable Vehicles webpage to prospects via text or email as soon as an application is rated,
- To alerts to underwriting to review an application that receives a specific score,
- To internal salesman alerts when a lead starts the buying process,
- and even alerts when the deal is posted after it is worked digitally in Deal Pack!
The final step – getting the keys in the hands of the new customer – is determined by each dealer. Delivery can be scheduled for a true online experience or customers can set up their date/time for pickup using an integrated Appointment Scheduling tool.
cyclCRM provides dealer solutions that anticipate business needs. Imagine the success you can have as you add this feature to your current process.